From climate impact to the trajectory of portfolio alignment for the Corporate & Investment Banking division using the GWF
This graph shows alignment of the Natixis CIB portfolio, from climate impact to the trajectory of portfolio alignment for the Corporate & Investment Banking division using GWF.
In 2020: 3.2°C
In 2024: 2.5°C
In 2030: 2.2° C
Achievement of a 1.5° C trajectory for the balance sheet by 2050
GWF color mix, % of outstanding loans:
Brown: 41%
Neutral: 28%
Green: 31%
€115bn in outstandings: excluding financial sector and loans to sovereign borrowers.
Brown: 27%
Neutral: 21%
Green: 52%
Targets: broken down by sector, business line and geography (EMEA, APAC, Americas)
The Group uses these ratings and measurements of global warming trajectories to:
Groupe BPCE is now in a position to measure the carbon intensity of its portfolios potentially having the most significant climate impact and to manage their alignment with a Net Zero trajectory. The Green Evaluation Models approach, which broadens the scope of these measures to the portfolios of the retail banks, will be rolled out for all its financing portfolios by 2024.